Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Historians were Right

I felt terribly sorry when I found out that the fishes I bought in Magelang died--possibly because of oxygen shortage and shake (I went home by bus). That morning I let the river took them (larung). I don't remember with whom I went home (Kak Es n Mami or with Papi). Thankfully my turtoise Ucha survived.

Perhaps that's why most tour operators ban animals and plants on their vehicles or why there are quarantine centers on ports.

what i'm talking about is about plant and animal spread. these plants on the boat were going to be transfered from mainland Jakarta to Pulau Kelapa, 40 miles apart.

It reminds me of a story in Album Walt Disney back when I was child. Kwik, Kwek, Kwak tried to escape from a villain that held them hostage. the illustration of the hardship was a rat climbing a rope. It was about to get onboard but suddenly find a barrier in the shape of a sharp and wide disk attached to the rope. "Even rats can't escape the island..."

Historians believed that's one of the ways of migrations. Simple at it may seem on the photo, those pots of aglaonemas and jasmines were making journey to find a new place at the island and will adapt soon. Their presence would affect the entire island. Think of bees who never taste jasmine, for example, or young couple in love sniffing jasmines.

If I were the major of Kepulauan Seribu, I will order hundreds of sukun tree to be planted on the beach as wind breakers and source of carbs (and income) and order some hundred thousands of Florida mangroves to be planted on the beaches (they reportedly grow faster).

Oh one thing. those eggs also drew my attention. Now I know why eggs are pricey on the island (a sunny side up costs Rp3000).

The destiny of those eggs will not be inside the hatchery. They will end up on plates :)

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